Curvy Beauty

2 hearts one love

Aloha readers!! It has been a while! Not because I don’t have things to write but because I have been overwhelmed with amazing photography opportunities! One of which I am excited to share with you now!

Anna and Brandon are by far the most adorable couple I have worked with in a long long time! Brandon is stationed as a US Marine here on Oahu and his wife Anna an RN at a senior living facility in Honolulu. Both of them work full time schedules and they have a 6 year old little boy at home. The time they share just one on one I’m sure was a rarity. So when they arrived at 5am they seemed so eager and excited to have the love they share photographed! It was obvious how happy they were to just be together, let alone at this beautiful light house, watching the sun come up. The affection, love and deep understanding I saw between them was not only steamy at times, it was down right beautiful. So many people travel to Oahu and only get to see so much before they get on a plane and go back to wherever they traveled from. But these two… have been given a beautiful opportunity to live on this island. Both of them loving to explore. I could see they appreciated the ability to soak up their surrounds knowing how blessed they are to live in such a beautiful place. It was truly a pleasure to introduce them to a new sight on the island and capture them enjoying it together. Please take a look at the intimate photos we captured together and mahalo for reading.
